Cubaan untuk potty train ni dh lama x konsisten..
Plan asal nk train dia sejak January lagi, masa tu Hana baru 1 tahun 9 bulan.. tapi tak jadi sebab busy dgn baking kan hehehe...
During October, my mum came out with this idea again ..-potty train , me in the other hand agreed aje lah sbb mak nk support kan..kita buat je lah..buat sorg2 pun susah jgk..
potty train mula on weekend..every 2 hrs bwk dia pegi toilet..on weekdays mak lah yang buatkan..byk kali lahhh terlepas..penat la nenek dia membersihkan segala bagai..ada juga masa-masa yang kami kepenatan & pakai kan diapers.. & it happens in a month, a slow progress.
But during November, Hana shows good improvement, which i guess she can differentiate how it's feels wearing diapers and not. and she choose to NOT wearing diapers..:)
the progress was: sebelum ni selepas pee pee baru cakap TAPI now dia cakap dahulu sebelum buat.. meaning she knows bila nk pee pee & her mind send the signal to wait untill the mouth saying ..
tapi ada lah jugak yang ter-missed, bila terlupa nk ingatkn dia suruh pee-pee & dia pulak leka bermain..
tgk2 dh bocor je..kdg2 dia baru cakap dh keluar..hehehe
lately ada new improvement, where is Hana dah berani nk poo-poo dlm toilet.. sebelum ni takut, katanya nnt masuk dlm lobang hihik..
GOOD JOB Alisya Hana!!
p/s: i was thinking to send her to playschool/playhouse next year..