Friday, August 30, 2013

My personal observation towards smokers

Assalamualaikum.. Salam Jumaat semua!
Sekejap tadi..masa tgh kemas-kemas color pencils Hana, tiba tiba dia cakap:

Hana: mama, nak lighter..nk isap rokok .. ( sambil pegang pencil)
Me: HAAAA, mana bolehh! Nnt hana sakit perut mcm abah..
Hana : sengih2

Ohhh MYyyy, dia mentarbiyyah kan abah nye siang tadi..(tak bagi abah smoking) tp la ni...dah terpengaruh pulak ..nmpknye budak ni nak kene brain wash pulak lepas ni..i guess dia confuse, mama said smoking bahaya, sakit mulut, dirtyyy etc tapi dia tgk abah dia smoking mcm FUN , cool / interesting ... She's observing ! And practicing! ( this is not GOOD) this is not the first time she's 'smoking' . Her curiosity level is quite high. She will try to do whatever people do ( apa yg menarik perhatian)

Because of she's only 2yo , dear husband , pleaseeeeee ! Please be the BEST role model to ur dotter.
Kalau boleh,nk smoking tu sorok that dia bole terima apa yg mama dia ckp - smoking xbagus, bahaya, dirty, boleh sakit.. & etc.

Back to the topic, i was thinking that.....
I hope my dotter wont marry to the smoker, like me..

But in my case..
When we were friends, he said he will stop smoking as soon as we were engaged!
When we were engaged, he said he will stop smoking as soon as we were married!
Unfortunately , When  we were married.. He said he will stop smoking as soon as we got a child!
So NOW HOW dear?
Unfortunate ME . Typical reasons.

At first i tought my husband will be FREE cigerrate , ( because of the nvr ending promises)
But i was wrong.
And now when i was thinking about Hana..
BIG possibility , her husband is also a smoker
BECAUSE, my observation is like this...
A daughter of a smoker, will marry to a smoker (mostly)

And when the smoker is getting old and quit smoking, i bet he will regret smoking when he saw his daughter and grandchild had to live with a smoker....

PITY us,
Women.non smoking.

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