Thursday, January 31, 2013

Recipe : Blueberry Cheese tart

atas permintaan kawan-kawan..hari ni baru berkesempatan nk sharekan resepi blueberry cheesetart ..
masa belajar dulu pun cikgu ada pesan kongsi-kongsikan resepi ..
so here it goes..!

Bahan A
125 g mentega
62 g gula aising
1/2 sudu teh esen vanilla

Bahan B
45gm  telur

Bahan C
230 g tepung
1 sudu besar tepung susu
30g serbuk badam (optional,jika xnak..sukatan tepung ialah 260gm)

1. Putar (A) hingga lembut dan tambahkan
(B). Putar lagi hingga gebu.
2. Masukkan (C) dan gaul sehingga sempurna.

* Tat akan bewarna keemasan dan rangup jika dibakar di rak bawah ketuhar (lebih kurang 1/2 inci dari bahagian bawah ketuhar.

Bahan A
250 g cream cheese
50 g gula 25 g mentega

Bahan B
1 biji telur

Bahan C
50 g whipping cream 

Bahan D
20 g tepung gandum
Blueberry filling


1. Bentukkan dalam acuan.i guna size no 2.Bakar pada suhu 190 darjah Celcius selama 15 minit atau sehingga kuning perang. Ketepikan.

2. Inti : Pukul (A) sehingga licin dan gebu. Masukkan (B) dan pukul hingga sebati. Tambahkan (C) dan sebatikan hingga sempurna. Campurkan (D) dan ratakan dengan sempurna.

3. Dengan menggunakan piping beg, masukkn blueberry jam...& kemudian paipkn cream cheese..

4. Bakar pada suhu 200 darjah Celcius selama 10-12 minit. / sehingga masak.

nak buat tart shell tu mmg ambil masa yg lama...sila pastikan ada kesabaran nak membuatnye..hehe..
kalau rasa-rasa malas boleh lahh order dengan saya ye! muehehe..

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

cowboy town!


2minggu lepas kami sekeluarga spend time kat cowboy town, A'famosa Resort
jarak afamosa dgn rumah lebih kurang 20minit..cowboy town ni start at 6.30pm - 1200am..
beli ticket kat MattaFair mmg murah..sbbkn the tickets will expires kitaorg pun cepatt2 la pergi..
sampai sana nearly 9.00pm..jom layan gambar..

main entrance..
masuk-masuk tgk lengang je..sunyi ape ni? xde ape pun? then dengar bunyi bising2..rupanya ada show..laju2 kitaorg masuk tgk show..sape dtg lmbt rugi lahh

ada 2 org cowboy jaga jalan kat sini..

sampai - sampai fire's eater show dah start, kiranya kitaorg dh lmbat sikit.. suasana mcm worship ritual je..dgn music nya lagi..lama jgk fire eater ni..kitaorg keluar dari show tu kejap nk round2 pekan cowboy..pastu masuk balik..

rupanya lps fire eater ada mcm2 show lagi.. stay ajelah tgk show tu smpai 10pm..
kalo bwk mknn lagi best..mknn kt dlm tu mahal

posing kat rumah cowboy...byk yg tutup..

Ada dancing show, animal catwalk..dpt la Hana tgk kambing, lembu, poney, rooster,rabbit, elephant, snake..last skali ada fireworks! bestt!

ni masa kitaorg keluar kejap dari show pusing2..rupanya maskot ni tgh get ready utk catwalk

ini pertunjukan kenderaan berhias lampu..mcm2 kenderaan ada..heli,ketelembu,beca,kereta antik..train, basikal

lps abis show kitaorg pi tgk 4D underwater world..ada 2movie, eiter underwater or haunted house 
haunted house mmg seram, dengar terjerit2 org dlm cinema tu tgk..after showtime barulaa town ni meriah, ada mcm2 pertunjukan & permainan..magic show, bungee jumping , marry go round & etc

disebabkan lapar...kitaorg balik ajelah.lgpun dh pukul 11pm dah..
carik tempat dinner then straight headed home..
smpai rumah around 1200+

ramai foreigner je yg dtg sini..myb sbb ticket mahal..
mahal pun berbaloi sbb byk live show
sesuai utk family outing yg ada kids..utk bwk infants sgt xsesuai sbb hari malam & bising..
ok that's all
jom cuti cuti Melaka

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Doa Pendinding Diri

Diamalkan pada setiap lepas solat fardhu Subuh dan Asar dan sebelum tidur..dan ditiupkan ke seluruh anggota tubuh sebagai pendinding dari gangguan jin dan syaitan..

Friday, January 25, 2013

Recipe: Bread and Butter Pudding

Bahan A:

10 keping roti
250gm butter
250gm kismis
sedikit serbuk kulit kayu manis

Bahan B:

Filling Custard

1 litre fresh milk
200 gm gula castor
10 biji telur
1 sudu kecil esen vanilla


1. Sapu roti dengan butter , susun dlm loyang / aluminium cup (potong kiub)
2. Setiap lapisan tabur kismis dan kulit kayu manis
3. Buat sehingga beberapa lapisan & tuang filling kastard
4. Letak butter yg lebih tadi pada permukaan adunan
5. Biar hingga roti lembut

Vanilla Sauce
A. 1 litre fresh milk / kurang kan jika perlu
     200 gula castor
     1 t/s esen vanilla

B. 40gm custard powder
    250 ml air

1. Panaskan bahan A sehingga mendidih
2. Bancuh B , campurkan kedalam bahan A . Masak hingga pekat

* boleh juga gantikan dgn macaroni, bubuh udang, asparagus, buat sos putih & tabur cheese! yummy!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Baking Class Part 2

Assalamualaikum.. & Salam Maulidur Rasul

semalam nk type separuh lepass tu tetiba xsave pulak..hilang terus haihhh...
bulan ni mmg agak busy..
Baking class yg kedua is on Monday, minggu selepas Baking class no 1..
esoknya pulak i pegi career fair lagi kali ni at MMU melaka..
the next day nya..project baking baking with cousin..nk prektis cheese tart..Alhamdulillah menjadi & sedap..tgh sibuk nk baking dapat email & sms ada interview on Monday & ada technical test pulak tu..
haih,,takotnye bila ada test2 first xmo pegi tapi..pk2 balik why not for experience kan..
siap baking (termasuk kemas dapur) almost 2am.. so the next day tu mmg spend time utk crk info psl QA, update & print resume etc..on the same day tetiba pulak dpt order red velvet..huhu..

hati lagi suka nk pk buat kek dari nak study kehkehkeh..
i study red velvet jugak ms tu..LOL
my aunty yg order..nak amik on saturday..
so friday nite tu buat laa red velvetnye..saturday bgn cepat2 siapkn cream cheese topping..
kotak pulak salah beli..rushing back to kedai tukar kotak..
almost 1.30pm baru siap kek..tergesa gesa nk g teaching pulak..

then dapat lagi order blueberry cheese tart & nutella cheese tart :)
first time buat mmg xcantik
InsyaAllah will improve from time to time..
nk tgk picture? go to my FB under album Bake with Me

okkk..panjang sgt Introduction eh?
baking class kedua, cikgu ajar blueberry cheesetart, mexican bun & mushroom soup + garlic bread..

so far, soup dah buat 2 kali..mmg sedap & senang..xsempat nk snap picture..nnt i bg resepi ok..
mexican bun belum teragak nk buat..need strenght nk buat roti ni..
tart pulak..dah 300pcs buat..siap jual lagi hehehe

nak order?
email me at 

tunggu next entry i bg resepi bread & butter puding..

hari ni nk buat pavlova lah..:)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Baking Class Part 1

Lately mmg agak busy..ada 2 lagi pending entry yg xsempat nak buat..
Last week, my cousin and I pergi kelas kek & pastry.. i xpernah lagi pergi cooking class on that day i'm kind of excited..yelah selalu pegi kelas blaja theory..kali ni men masak- masak..

Cikgu tu namanya Awa, very talkative..suka dgn cara cikgu ni ajar, byk benda yang cikgu kongsikan..
Kelas masakan ni dibuat di rumah cikgu awa, ada mcm bangsal utk masak memasak
resepi pertama; belajar kek puding caramel pelangi.. jom tgk gambar...

mula mula sediakan lapisan gula hangus,kemudian sediakan lapisan caramel..dan yang ketiga sediakan lapisan kek(meringue)

adunan meringue di bahagi kepada beberapa bahagian warna..ikut suka nk warna apa tapi dah tajuk kek pelangi ... sila lah buat warna pelangi yer.. cikgu bubuh warna hijau-pandan, purple-yam, yellow- lemon dan merah- strawberry

                                               inilah hasilnya lepas siap dilapiskann...cantikkan!

bakar menggunakan teknikwaterbath.... kek yg dh siap dimasak
biarkn sejuk, then sejukkan dalam fridge sebelum di serve


tadaaa! the end produt...ready utk dingap!
sedappp sgt kek ni..mcm mkn ice cream

Resepi kedua..Red Velvet!
i xpernah suka red velvet sbb yang pernah mkn too sweet ..xtau ape specialnye..tapi resepi cikgu awa ni mmg terbaikkk! sedap!

fluffy,moist and not too sweet!

ok..tajuk seterusnya..puding roti fav Dato' Siti katanya..ehehe mmg sedap.. samalah mcm red velvet i xgemar sgt puding roti sbb mcm soggy..but this one special, i guess myb sbb each roti spread with butter so jd mcm crouton 

cikgu awa kata..special about puding roti ni sbb ada sauce..itu yg buat sedap.. resepi ni cikgu tambah apple..nk bubuh pisang / buah2 lain pun boleh.. atau gantikan roti dgn macaroni, bubuh sayur, udang & tabur cheese!

resepi seterusnya strawberry crumble...the hot selling cookies raya tahun lepas..
punn sedapp.. ada oat, bread crumb, topped with strawberry choc


tadaaa! ini lah buktinya saya pergi  kelas tauu..hehehe
first time jugak pegang piping bag :p

ini lah cikgu awa.. xlokek dgn ilmu, kalo nk pinjam acuan cikgu pun bolehh..nk tumpang bakar kek  kt oven cikgu pun boleh...nk  letak cookies kat rumah cikgu utk jualan pun BOLEhhh!

my cousin- thankyou for  inviting me to this course..walaupun terpaksa menyamar..oppss!

nak resepi?
BOLEH..cikgu awa mmg suruh kongsikan..
tapi nanti ye..
i kene carik masa utk type semua resepi..
InsyaAllah akan ada entry resepi..

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Alisya is counting numbers

She's 1yr and 5 months at that time.. Alhamdulillah she's fast learner!
i think she learns a lot through watching The Sesame Streets, even she knows some of the alphabet like A, B, C, O, M, P  (she loves to read my plat number! hehe)

playing with pen / pencil or colors is a favourite! sometimes i 'm giving her playing conteng conteng is to keep her occupied with activity..but unfortunately she's doing her creativity on the WALL! hadoiii..
and nobody notice when she's did that..

children at this stage love to explore new things, imitate an adult ..and learn very fast!
they are at the stage of learning process grow progressively, and as parents we should giving them full of support and spend some quality time together in order to have the good balance of emotion  and mental development.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Career Fair MMU 2013


i went to MMU Career Fair last Tuesday (8 January 2013) .. i went there with my youngest brother who's MMU student. so we off around 8am.. and luckily my brother was driving..
i had to go there early because my daughter will turn out so dramatic when she see me going out!

and..actually this is my FIRST TIME  me attending a job fair...hahah
well, nevermind.. *keep on moving*

so the event was held at Dewan Tun Canselor

i am actually dont mind going there alone, just i need mate for lunch jelah..
but i'm not so worry because i had friends and cousin working there in cyber

here's their marketing banner..
i'm not just looking for a job on that day, but i'm observing how they organize the event, in MMU

this event was organized by MMU students representative council
it's kind of great work by them handling this big event!
i guess the success was good communication, cooperation and teamwork as well as great budget, and support also KNOWLEDGE & skills

i was there during the opening ceremony, the President comment about the welcoming show "why do u choose dancing show for this event?" .. he think it was very common and not related to job fair! well, that's the challenge for you guys! next committee! and from the speech; he said what's important in finding career is Language! language is very important.. especially English ..(this is how they market their students, by polish up their interpersonal skills)

and they present kind of creative and simple  opening signature.. using the barcode scanned through the ipad.. i'm not sure ( it's real or dummy) but i guess it's's so simple right? how could i never think about it before eh?

so i was mingle around the booth till 1pm.. i was attracted by a few company ; Dell, DHL and Juris Technologies ; there are more other company but i'm not kinda interested so i'm just drop by my resume..instead of spending time of talking..(i spend more time at the three company i'd interested)

It is very good opportunity ..and a good start of finding a job..
next career fair was held at MMU Melaka (15-16 January 2013)

like me; i've to narrow down what i want in my career and FOCUS
FROM  Juris Tech company, i got an idea what kind of questions they might ask..
1- Logic
2 - IQ

i'm just write it here to remind me, myself..
study about writing in SQL and any programming language!

and about 1pm++ my brother and i was going out for lunch, i was always wanted to try nasi kerabu at Yati Percik .. just because i know the owner hehe..she's a blogger , hi zetty..i came to ur restaurant that day, but unfortunately u're not there! sobs! xdpt discount :D

i try the signature dish, nasi kerabu ayam percik..

quite a big portion of eh org blakang tu mcm familiar lahh..i guess dia keje MDEC

yati percik cyberjaya

my cousin choose mee bandung

thank you cousin for a treat! xoxo's my brother who loves sweet tooth as ever! mmg dari kecik dia ni suka sgtt laa mkn gula2, xsangka smpai laa ni pun suka manis2..

he bought us pavlova & banana sOO big and nice

banana pie, semata mata mkn banana aje..

andd...i gland i can see my room -mate during university she is.. along 
i AM so EXCITED! and we talked too much till i forgot to snap our picture! sobs!
we're not seeing each other for ages..and she's still the same along as before! i'm still adore of your kegigihan long! send me some enthusiasm please! i need it really bad ..
after sending off my cousin to her office and my brother to his campus; i straight heading back home..sempat dropping by Dunkin, bought Hana a piece of doughnut kaler pink! heh
be at home around 5pm and she was sleeping..& she's awake a few mins after that anddd...throw me a tantrum! dangg! pening wohh smpai ke malam nak pujukk..donut dh abes makan..majuk xabes abes

and..caught of the day!
*the pink pen by Dell was taken by Hana & TIME mag already hancur ..

*hana was just asleep, about 5min ..she was having tantrum and cranky maybe because too much eat and too sleepy.. i'm hoping she'll not giving me a lot of tantrums..and be nice*pray hard* 
i am going to pastry and baking class for the first time tomorrow..whee excited, harap harap best lah..

till then, good nite!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Tadi i pegi career fair @MMU Cyberjaya, i'm happy meeting people there who's consider potential least it can help me about the interview process, tips and preparation!

actually i wanna made olio spaghetti but i'm afraid nobody wanna eat because it's just too this recipe  was inspired from the aglio olio speghetti..

Ingredients: (3 persons)

1 medium size onion - chopped / minced
3 cloves garlics - chopped / minced
1 teaspoon grinded blackpepper
1 tablespoon chilli paste - optional
1 table spoon tomato paste
mixed herb / oregano

*you may add anything that you like* such as mushroom, carrot or squid

olive oil

al-dente spaghetti


 heat the pan, put some olive oil
 saute the chopped and grinded ingredients, put the chilli paste, tomato paste - saute till cooked
put shrimps and mussels, then put the veges..wait untill cooked
sprinkle some salt
lastly mix it with pasta, sprinkle with herbs


andd..this is additional dish! yummeh

easy peasy right?!!'s soo deliciouss!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Mengapa saya memilih Inch loss by felinna beauty?

mesti ramai yg pelik kenapa tetiba je I terjebak dgn biznes mcm ni kann...
okla..meh i bagi confession
at first, mmg i xlayan pun advert2 mcm ni..xtertarik langsung pun..

i ni bukan lah obsess sgt nk sbb blom ade testimony yg menarik jadi i buat dnt knw jelah ..
one day my friend (kinda close fren) bgtau i dia beli produk ni..
because our frend of mine pun dah beli & BERKESAN ! 
wahh..time tu teruja sikit

i mmg ada masalah tang perut..mcm BUN..
tak pregnant pun org beria ckp i pregnat (*nanges*) mmg pelik perut ni..badan slimm (ewahh) perut muncit..but seriouslyy!!! annoyyoingg...

STRESS jd nye..& confident level terus merundumm ..yelahh kan obvious sgt..husb plak slalu tanya bilaa la perut ni kat slimm? (tanpa disedari ckp pd perut sendiri)..
nak tunggu hasben sponsor pegi slimming center ntah x tau bila..rsnya mcm membazir ..

xpe.kita cuba yg low cost dulu..
fyi, lps bersalin berat i 57kg..before is 53kg ..and just now (about 1month before) i managed to get bck my before pregnant weight tetapiii.............perutku maintain taknak selimm selimm *haihh liaatt btol

apelahh liat beno lemak kat situ kan!
i bukan xnak besenam. tp i ada backbone prob. - prolapsed disc
everytime AFTER buat sit up kang sakit pinggang.., jogging sket kang bengkak kaki..
the best yg boleh buat cuma stretching ...itu saja!
streching mcm yoga tu boleh bila masanya nk beryoga bagai kan??
andd my tummy..............ukurlilit nya mmg amazingggg 32inch!!!
*malu malu* punyala xseimbang badan aku ni

so the best way yg i buat utk turunkn berat badah is..LESS EAT!
and tak tidur siang /petang andd buat house chores (xkeje boleh la kan..kalo keje duduk ajelah kt kusi..hadap pc..bila ngantuk /pening carik mknn kunyah2, tu pasai gemuk!


ok back to the main story, mcm mana i start nk pakai Inchloss ni..
bila baca blog Kak Di.. sila baca tajuk krim penyelim.. 

kak di ada review pasal inchloss ni..i rs sonfident nk cuba sbb i know kak Di knows better chemical products ni, (she's in biotech industry )
lagipun Inchloss ada kkm and halal sama spt losyen mustajab pati halia..dulu i pakai tu jgk
tp xtahan laa bau dia kuat sgtt
*spoil je kn dh wangi2 tetiba bau haliaa*

Inchloss ni wangi..xperit sgt  tapi heat tahan lama..

lps pakai ni,akn selalu keluar angin.. & lawas buang air ..ok uolls boleh sapu cream ni kat mana2 tempat bermasalah spt perut, peha..bwh lengan, dagu & anywhere..u like! like the whole body pun boleh tapii...kene tahan panas la ye! i advise uollss minum air banyak2 so that senang nk buang toxid..

one of ingredients dia ada Capsaicin ..benda ni lah yg meningkatkan metabolisma utk pembakaran lemak..

fakta tentang capsaicin / ekstract capsicum:

when you eat hot peppers or take capsaicin as a dietary supplement, the capsaicin may improve your digestion by increasing the digestive fluids in the stomach and by fighting bacteria that could cause an infection. It may also help fight diarrhea caused by bacteria infection  

capsaicin may help prevent heart disease. it may stimulate the cardiovascular system and may lower blood cholestrol levels and blood pressure. It also helps prevent clottiong and hardening of arteries (atherosclerosis)

ioulls jugak ada ambil supplement pill..which is..habbatusauda
i think this is one of the reason i boleh reduce my fat
tp it takes a lonnggg time lah ..i ate about 1 year ..sehari sebiji je, sbb i ikut bdn. mkn ni panas..xlarat nk mkn skali 2bijik..
makan tetap kene control tau..

Baraka ni my brother beli from Mesir.. sape sape yg xtau, it is actually jintan hitam..yang di kapsulkan..
khasiat habatusauda ini mmg xdpt dinafikan lagi
malah, Rasulullah S.A.W pernah bersabda dalam hadithnya
" Tetaplah kamu dengan Habatul Sauda' kerana sesungguhnya ia mengandungi ubat segala penyakit kecuali mati" (Riwayat Bukhari&muslim)

utk dpt kesan yang mustajab mestila kene amalkan ye takk?

ni pic kenang berat baru cecah 53kg! tapi perut maintain muncit *sobs
ok..xpee kita tunggu result felinna pulak ye!
i will update the progress after 2-3 weeks of consumption 

uolls yang berminat dgn Inchloss / Marine Collagen from Felinna Beauty and Habatussauda

Inchloss - RM75 (SM)
                                 RM 80 (Sabah/Sarawak)

ohh ya..the PMCV pun boleh dapatkan dengan i..cumanya i belum consume lagi this product, but from other testimonials said it was SUPERB! but not suitable for allergic seafood' me 

Pure Marine Collagen Vit. C - RM 85 (postage RM 6)
Habbatustauda - RM 10 / box (24 soft capsules) free postage if you buy 3boxes

boleh contact saya:

cepat-cepat dapatkan produk terbaik nii! 

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