Friday, November 9, 2012

Why Blogging? gadgets - ipad / bb / Notes

xde mood nk tulis entry hari ni
sbbnya xcukup tidoo
last nite my lil H dh tido awal at 8pm mcm tu dh pengsann..
around 2pm dia boleh jaga pulak..kasi susu pun xmo tido
kejap2 nangis
i pun kejap2 pagi tu tgk2 rabbit dia ada kt kaki ku

okkk arini nk bgtau uolss eventho uolss xtanya pun kan..
Kenapa nak blogging?
for me ; this is my reasons...........
  1. ohh..sebab suka blog hopping - *checked
  2.  dapat duit poket sikit *checked
  3. dapat pegi nuffnag award dinner - ecehh! *tipu je
  4. wanna create circle of friends
  5. knowledge sharing 
  6. saham akhirat bagi point no 5
  7. i have gadgets and wifi but didn't fully utilize using it, it's a waste, rightt
  8. as a journal diary and reminder to myself

 jomm tgk my sincere review :P towards  all these gadgets..

1- Ipad2 : i used ipad since last year.. so far my lil hana yg banyak guna.. power savings mmg best, everlasting battery .. eventhough nmpk nipis tp agak berat jugak jika isi dlm handbag
ipad ni dah jadi education tool utk Hana blajar ABC yang i download thru Apps Store.
Application yang i download utk Hana :

ABC laptop
flash Card
Piano School
6 in 1
animal draw
laugh & learn
play 123
kids piano
ABC song
Little mouse
Baby first puzzle
animal piano
Tayo garage games
shape puzzle
baby bus
kids wheel
Lingu Pingu
and manyy moree

the good thing about ipad:
Hana cepat belajar ABC & 123
dia dah boleh count 1-5
and sing an ABC song
can solve simple puzzle

Hana starts using ipad since 8months
so skrg ni dia mcm dh boring sket dgn ipad
skejap2 je dia main
& nak tido mesti dia tgk sesame street

yang x syoknya about ipad:
application yang nak diinstall quite limited
ada pun yg FREE tp xpuas guna mesti kene purchase jgk
for bloggers mmg x sesuai sbb sometimes i didnt load full view 
camera ipad2 xbestt, x sharpp

2. Blackberry

i used BB since 2010, BB bold.. smartphone mmg makes our life easier especially for working people.. 

push mail
BB security

cepat hang / selalu kena restart
not suitable for internet browsing

3. Galaxy Notes 1

yg ni my hubby punya. he used this gadget since last year.. very smart & useful gadget for graphic & multimedia purposes mmg sgt best.. tapi lagi best SIII hehehe sleek, smart and handy..ok, yg xbest nya Notes ni it's quite big utk disimpan dlm handbag kecil / for man..x semua lelaki suka bwk sling bag. Batter sgt cepat kong..*updated: my husband said his Notes got a problem with battery..which is always drained / out of power..he had tried change the battery but still the same and yesterday he found that everyone was complaining about the same problem through the forum on the net..the real problem now is..the latest os software is sOO's the main cause of the drained battery *sighh* so this smartphone is not enoughh smart lorr! ..for the time being,  boleh call in/out sahaja!

solution: should wait for another new os software from the manufacturer to fix this problem..

ok that's all yg saya ingat..

my little Hana skrg mmg banyak dah perangai..especially dengan saya..boleh hilang sabar dibuatnya

time baik mmg baik je..main bila ada benda dia nak xdpt haa mula lah buat perangai..
skrg ni dh pandai marah org yg suka sakat dia
mula mula dia akn ckp nanakkkkkkkkkk (tak nak)

lepas tu ckp nanak pun org tu xfaham dia akan ckp NO NO NO! hepp!
then asik laa nak hep org yg sakat dia tu

that's all!

happy weekend!

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