Monday, May 20, 2013

Order week two & Fruits shopping

Mood baking lom mari..update blog la kejap., my sister and i was planning to do fruits shopping for mother's day fruit basket..kitaorg pun jumpa la kat Aeon..

While waiting for me, She went to watson & sasa..
i was kind of hungry so i drop by at the JJ food court and bought fried octopus.. i was having a good time munching octopus while waiting sister do the shopping ..a few mins later, 
Sister came to me who was sitting on the bench

She: ko mkn ape tu?
Me: sotong grg tepung..nak?
She: xnak lah..
Me continue makan..
Me: ko carik ape? 
She: toner...
Me makan lagi..
She: eh ko nk mkn tak? Ni dh mkn ni..blablabla sini xde guardian la,blablabla 
Me:ehh ko carik ape tadi? Smbil tunjuk sasa
She: Tonerrrr
Me: carik toner? Toner ape kat watson / sasa?.??
She: sasa pun ada jual toner lahh..
me: blur kejap..pastu gelak......
toner mukaaaa!
ingatkan toner printer!

huahua2..lapar punya pasal..
lps lunch..cepat2 pegi carik birthday gift utk anak-anak my customer yg order cake..then pegi beli buah utk mother's day!

a big basket for mom
tapi budak ni paling excited ....
dia dh rembat pisang dulu ehehe
after 5mins dia dtg mintak wash hand......
rupenya dh abis sebiji pisang gemok tu dia makan..haha
malam tu tido lambat sbb terlebih potassium 
pisang ni elok mkn pagi je, boost up enery, atlit2 pagi2 mesti mkn pisang
tapi anak ku mlm malam...mmg xtido la jwbnye

ni order dari Aqilah from JB
she's my online customer after all :)
when i said online, that mean we didnt met each other, payment through e-banking and do the delivery
thank you, dik!

moist chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream frosting & M&M

Red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese & chocolate frosting
order by yg friend (schoolmate) also my regular customer Hidier
for his mother 
thank you Hidier!

emergency order by my best friend Ayu Yusop for her mother
cheesecake brownies with chocolate ganache
Thank you!

the next day tu..we went to KL , see ape budak ni buat ...

aiyoo, mcm dh biasa je pegang brush dgn palette tu yer!

ok, ni iklan...sape nak accessories utk contoh2 nye yer..

candle & aeroplane


alphabet candles

signage /tagging utk letak atas cupcake

ok, till now!

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