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Wednesday, October 17, 2012
lets the wheel keep rolling, up and down
I am looking for my dream JOB!
When i was little, i never think what i wanna be in the future? (there u go..u're undecided untill NOW u realize)
when i was in primary school ..i still don't know what i wanna be, (not like my sister; her ambition since little is lecturer and now she is real lecturer)
but i have passions; drawing and pets
i am not focusing in my academic / school nor in sports
my mum keep scolding me everyday because i'm bad compare to my sister;
i didn't finish my homework; i am always in this manner: eh suka hati aku lah nk buat ape! (i will find out later it is 2nd child syndrome?)
i am always going out every evening to play with budak budak taman which is budak budak taman tu is considered budak suka main tak pandai sekolah
unlike my sister, she just stay at home reading books, go take a bath early in the evening and get ready to kelas mengaji
i am disagree with mom who underestimate of my friends!
and i'm always put a rebel note in my mum working bag / in the dressing table etc
ahh semuanya xboleh kawan! mom please understand each child is different! i need circle of friends..
my life is changing a little when all the pressure from mom turns out a blast. i change my attitude 360 degrees
be selective choosing friends, finish all homework..end up UPSR 3A 1B same as my sister
tapiii boring giler kwn dgn budak rajin, pandai niii.............boring sgt xde life ok, budak yg kuat hu ha huha tu bukan xpandai sebenarnye..skrg semua kwn2 yg gitu2 semua ada career ok..eventho career biasa2 je..
ok, masuk secondary school, macam budak nerd! eii rimas..
in secondary school; mmg macam2 stories..(cerita zaman remaja lah hikhik) form 1 budak nerd, form 2 buat perangai malas belajar (tp budak lain lagi hampeh) so kene masuk kelas biasa balik..insaf kejap ms form 3. hardworking balik..& happy dpt join group of friends yg huhahuha byk controversi tu tp blaja tetap blaja..mati kutuk kawan dgn budak nerd .end up 7A 1B same as budak khas jugak..
form four mmg honeymoon baybeh!
dgn cikgu xde..
masuk form five masakk lah nk catch up everythings!
end up still pangkat 1 tapi hujung2 lah..ihiks
(but i am still regret, and crying after know the result)
at tht time rs mcm dh gelap gelita..still undecided of my future
but i love drawing
so i apply for architecture..
i got the interview for architecture studies..but at the same time my application to matriculation college is succesfull..
so during the interview, the interviewer advise me to go for matriculation *sigh, i know i'm rejected.
but after finish college i still don't know what i wanna be?
kdg2 rs mcm nak amik nursing (sudah terlambat)
so i just follow the path..masuk university in software engineering
oh man! i hate this course, saya pura-pura aje & force myself to learn
eh kalau budak2 sekarang xsuka aje reject kann?
after graduate takutt sgt nk kerja, yelah belajar terpaksa kan mmg xconfident pun!
tp sbb i've a good circle of friends so they motivates me to be in a real life!
i manage to be a part in MDEC internship programme..
there is go with computing career life
then i move to my hometown
working in state gov. that later i know that it's more like political job *sigh*
i am handling claim with contractor, eh kau xbuat kerja mmg la aku xnk bayar!
arghh pressure ok, he keep ugut2..
and pressure keep going like bertimpa2 because i'm jr. all senior keep tolak2 kerja kat jr..*poor*
and my boss is crazy.keep calling me anytime; after office, at night, weekend just for work! hello, i got LIFE
and thelifebegins when
i fell down from stairs..
it's damn hurts, and the effect is never ending till end of my life.
so i quit my job.
this is rightt .."ada duit pun xguna jika sakit"
so i decided to gain back my life; get a treatment; avoid the pressure works which includes outstation, travelling.
there i go - teaching,
after a year i decided to further my studies; at the same time i'm getting married..
luckily i manage to get a job;
tapi mcm ada xkena jer; it's so easy tht the person just pick me for the job!
(later that i know that....ada udang di sebalik batu)
oklah, saya bertahan..till i finished my studies
there's so hard being there because i'm handling everything;
from clerk-p.a-webmaster-ganti bos masuk meeting-network,software-puchasing item-monitor technician-hadling complains-
layan kan aje
mmg sgt pressure & the effects is i'm always sick due to my back bone problem
but i'm still on physiology treatment
from single-married-mother-now
there's another stories why i'm moving ; for my own good.
it's the TIME for me to MOVE
little that i know; Allah lebih tahu apa yg terbaik utk kita, setiap apa yg berlaku adalah ketentuanNya;
Thank you Allah for open my mind in my late twenties.
I'm Redha because i trust you ya Allah ya Rahman ya Rahim
and HERE's the day it begins..
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