Thursday, September 5, 2013

How Much Do You Need To Save for Your Children's Higher Education


I have a lot more to share with you guys! some info-sharing, pictures, raya and Hana's :D it's all stack in my mind!

Today's wanna share about this.................

the source link :

this was shared by my brother..he asked me:

he: do you have any plan like this? (giving me the url)
me: browsing & scanning the info & asked: Why?
he: saje je, thinking of sharing this for Hana's edu. plan..

anyway, thanks brother for sharing! and you too should savingg more for your future's!! marriage-wife-kids-house etc! heheeh.. savings for travelling and others fun activities should be equal with savings for future * note to brother*
in my case, i already thinking about this ever since Hana was born, even though i can't save for her more like duit betingkek tingkek, Alhamdulillah Hana is now having her own savings account & medical Insurance which later will change to education plan. by Looking at the pictorial workable method there, apparently Hana layak sekolah dalam Malaysia aje lah..ehhehe.. nevermind, sekolah mana-mana pun xpe, asalkan baik perangai, akhlak & anak yg solehah..i was remember, previously i had a conversation with my colleague who are chinese regarding education in Malaysia. They said, "you senang lah..Malay byk bantuan..scholarship, sponsorship etc..kita mana ada sponsor, semua byr sendiri.." oh damn! this really open up my eyes; they are all have their financial plan & awareness regarding this while majority of us mostly depends on ptptn, loans and tabung..
 my point of view: once you are ready to get married & have a child, start planning how you gonna manage your own COMPANY.
 be the CEO, CFO - planning your own office, planning your financial..budgeting, living cost and expenses and all.i think if i have duit bertingkek tingkek enuff edu fund. i dont mind to send my children to higher institution with my own money. But sekarang ni x banyak da kuota utk fully sponsored, mostly; LOAN itu pun limited... nasib baik dpt..xbaik, LOAN lah dgn ptptn / etc.Me also peminjam PTPTN, sangap nk membayar..regret ada jgk psl amik ptptn yg high interest rate parents pun didnt get the idea what is ptptn (lack of awareness).padehal masa tu ada offer scholarship KPT, habis belajar terus jd pensyarah politeknik / kolej komuniti. but being me yg xsuka masa depan ditentukan so hambek la PTPTN hihi.. ape-ape pun, nowadays every child must have their own education plan..tapi,figure atas tu sbnarnye iklan fixed deposit sebenarnya..just get the idea & think about it, no matter how you wanna prepare the education FUND it's up to you! :)
ALL the Best
 29 Syawal 1434H

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there,

Thanks a ton for sharing our infographic!

Huge thanks for finding our infographic useful and publishing it on your site! If you have any feedback or opinion, please let us know, we're excited to hear from you.

We’d really appreciate if you could link to us from our content, as a source, as we are the authors of the content and design of it.

The source link is:

I hope we can work together in the future, you could possibly write a guest post for us or we can write something for you.

Thanking you in anticipation!


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