Friday, November 30, 2012

Tahukah Anda?


gelombang pendek cahaya BIRU boleh menggangu TIDUR terutamanya PDA, TV, KOMPUTER atau Jam DIGITAL. MATIKANLAH ATAU TUTUP SUMBER SUMBER BIRU , satu jam sebelum TIDUR untuk MENGELAKKAN INSOMNIA 


seseorang yang BERDENGKUR dengan KUAT dan SUKAR untuk TIDUR mempunyai risiko lebih tinggi mendapat penyakit jantung dan gangguan jantung yang lain.


Penghidap obesiti berisiko lebih tinggi (55%) mengalami depresi dan bagi yang mengalami depresi akan berisiko lebih tinggi (58%) untuk menghidap obesiti.


menurut penelitian dalam British Medical Journal, pengambilan lebih banyak sayuran hijau seperti bayam, boleh menurunkan risiko untuk terkena diabetes tahap 2 sehingga 14%


Pengambilan serat sebanyak 21g sehari dapat menurunkan risiko penyakit jantung koroner sehingga 12%


Hasil penelitian Dr Esther Lopes-Garcia di Universiti Autonoma de Madrid, sepanyol mengatakan wanita yang minum dua hingga tiga gelas kopi setiap hari, risiko terkena strok 19% lebih sedikit dari yang hanya minum segelas kopi dalam sebulan atau kurang


sakit kepala atau pening tanpa sebab. Ingin tahu? Badan yang kurang beraktiviti lebih mudah terkena sakit kepala berbanding mereka yang rajin bersenam sekurang-kurangya 20-30 minit sehari.


sebanyak 3.5g serat larut (yang terdapat dalam 75-80g oat) dapat membantu menurunkan kadar kolestrol sebanyak 10-15% selama empat minggu.


sumber: rapi - 15 NOV 2012

Pandan & Chocolate Muffins

 Bake a muffin is so easy for me because it's so simple  ingredients and easy technique..
but to make perfect muffin need attention! yeah..the rules is only, separate dry - wet ingredients, mix altogether , it must be lumpy ,don't over mixed it! - i love this part because i don't need mixer heheh

i was thinking of baking these muffins a long time ago. i wish i could give some of them to lil H's previous baby sitter in taska..because we just left like that on that yesterday i managed to do my muffins! big CLAP!

1st batch i got about 16 cups of pandan muffins! it's so tasty with pandan leaf flavour

chocolate muffins - my second batch 

i'm not sure either we will sending these muffins tomorrow or not..hehe..
because the quantity is..getting less 
i ate about 4-5 cups *whoop!*
hana ate about 3 cups
sending 5 cups to grandma's

i love the texture & i think it turns out good!

the chocolate one is mine and the latter in Hana's
she's only ate the almond slice!!! 

okayy the recipe is from here: Hana's Family  thank you Hana!! 

i'd love to share with all of you that my little Hana now is 1 year and 7 months old!

she's can count one - five
follow alif ba ta sa
saying ameen afte doa / solat
greet people by saying Hi ! *waving hands*
can sing eieiOOO - old mc donald and twinkle twinkle little stars
everytime entering to the house or room, she will saying 'atumm' (assalamualaikum)
she can wear slippers correctly
i just discover now that she's saying ANOIII!!!. (adoiii) everytime i pretend / like i don't understand what she wants..

till then..


30 minit bersana ust Don - Nasihat buat Musolli Part 6


Alhamdulillah..dapat kongsikan lagi disini untuk bahagian ke-6
sejak semalam lagi dah masuk tajuk baru berkenaan hukum tajwid..xdapat saya nk kongsikan bagi tajuk yang itu sbb agak sukar..kata Ustaz , nak belajar mengaji perlu berguru..xboleh belajar sendiri melalui buku / dengar mp3 dan sebagainya kena ada hukum hukum tajwid istimewa dalam bacaan al quran yang memerlukan penerangan untuk pemahaman yang tepat.

Bagi tajuk Nasihat buat Musolli /orang-orang yang bersolat bagi slot kali ini:

Mesti tahu syarat sah solat.

Dalam slot ini ustaz menekankan dua perkara penting yang perlu dijaga semasa solat iaitu:
1- Mengadap Kiblat - mesti pastikan arah kiblat adalah betul. kecuali semasa berada dalam kapal terbang , sekadar solat menghormati waktu.

2-Menutup aurat - tidak salah jika solat dengan pakaian biasa asalkan bersih dari najis , tidak jarang / ketat / menampakkan warna kulit bagi wanita. Bagi lelaki adalah makhruh solat dengan menyingsing lengan baju..
bagi lelaki pula jika nak solat dengan seluar & t-shirt perlu jaga seluar jgn hingga ternampak punggung.

Bagi wanita, nak pakai make up tiada masalah asalkan make up dipakai selepas ambil wudhu' dan ianya halal.

Akhir sekali, semak rukun solat & tertib.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Hana went to bridal boutique!

My family and i went to bridal boutique last weekend. This was my first time went here. This boutique is owned by my grandma is located at the centre of the town , beside the BSN 


we came here to met this woman who's supply of fabrics, clothes, and accessories

she's explained about tailoring stuff,  textiles, ready made apparels, shoes and accessories

i think the shocking pink and black dress behind me is beautiful..what i did  here was i took a paper and pen and start drawing on something , mama think that i am pretending to be the fashion designer

i am so tired sat on the i decided to sat on the pelamin..

while the two brothers was busy playing ultromen with the fake keris

here am i, busy drawing on the design..and when i saw shoes, i felt so i gave a try, it's so bad that it was so big to my size... never mind, at least i'd try!

after don't know what to do yet..i was getting bored so atuk show me the outside view from the window
i felt so excited because i saw many cars on road from the top!

we stayed there until Maghrib, and having dinner together with the supplier before come back home..

whoever stay around Gemas such as Palong, Segamat, Tampin, and others.. and looking for bridal stuff and package, do come over to my grandma bridal boutique !!


story by: Hana

30 min bersama Ust Don - Nasihat buat Mussoli Part 5

Alhamdulillah.. dapat tgk slot ke - 5 utk tajuk ni
kali ni Ust. Don bersiaran dari Universiti Teknologi Petronas

Tajuk nasihat buat musolli kali ni fokus kepada bacaan Al-Fatihah semasa solat dan perbuatan dalam solat iaitu rukuk'
antara yang saya dapat kongsikan disini ialah..
1-Bacaan Al-Fatihah mesti betul dan tepat.
2-Dalam situasi solat berjemaah :
   Imam sedang rukuk, makmum masbuq dtg perlu niat, takbir , berdiri sebentar (cukup dengan bacaan  subhanallah) dan terus rukuk.. perbuatan berdiri sebentar adalah rukun solat, jika skip step itu, maka batal solat. Kata ustaz, perkara ini ramai yang tidak sedar..jadi selepas ini perlu berhati - hati.
3.Situasi kedua: Imam sedang rukuk, makmum datang , niat-takbir-berdiri dan rukuk ; dalam masa yg sama imam naik dari rukuk , situasi nya ialah perbuatan imam berselisih dgn makmum..imam dh naik, makmum baru nk rukuk.. situasi begini makmum tidak dpt ikut imam dlm rukuk krn imam telah berdiri.

setakat ini sahaja yg dpt dikongsikan bersama, jika ada kesilapan dlm info ini please let me know ok :)


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Our Kampung Style Menu

What is special about get together in my kampung is about Foods!
there's always more than three dishes on the table not including dessert
here where i can find lauk pisang & smbal belacan mangga..
let's take a look what we had have on last weekend!

 upper left: masak lemak cili padi ikan masin bersama pisang muda
upper right: sambal belacan mangga

down left: air mata kucing
right: ayam goreng sambal ala kampung

upper left: chicken soup
upper right: special fried chicken
down left: assam pedas telur ikan (this is the famous dish here in melaka)
down right: bubur kacang 

Have a Nice Weekend Everyone!!

Hana has attend a wedding

My family and I had attend a wedding last weekend.. it took 1hour to get there in Palong. The groom was my Abah's cousin..My mum put me on a cotton dress  because the whether is too HOT!
came along with us was uwan and atok, because of i'm getting up late in that morning so i'm not completely took my breakfast. Luckily mom bring along Gardenia Bread! so i ate about 3 slices along the way to the Bride's house...

so here's ME! who love the daisies! upon arrival , we're invited to our reserved seat for a lunch..
my mom spooned me Beriyani rice with chicken drummet..I ate quite a lot!

 Soo..this is the bride and the groom! The pelamin was created by my grandma, who's owned a Bridal Shop in Gemas. Whoever wanna get married and stay nearby Gemas, do come to my grandma shop called Umi Creation. It is just beside the Bank Simpanan Nasional in Gemas Town.

this is guest book corner, created by the pengantin herself

this simple pelamin nikah is also created by Umi Creation

this is my mom and aunty and my second cousin, Zara..

the hantaran from the groom

Ok that's all from me! 

Friday, November 23, 2012

30 minit bersama Ust. Don - Nasihat Buat Musolli Part 4

Alhamdulillah dapat jugak tgk sambungan episod kali ni..
dalam Bahagian 4, ustaz menerangkan mengenai MELURUSKAN DAN MERAPATKAN SAF KETIKA SOLAT BERJEMAAH

antara penerangannya adalah,
- tumit perlu diletakkn sama lurus dengan jemaah jemaah di kiri dan kanan, maksudnya tiada tumit yang ter kedepan atau ter-kebelakang..tumit mesti SAMA LURUS

Penjelasan tentang perkara tersebut  adalah :

"Sesungguhnya merapatkan saf seperti mnyempurnakan solat "

simboliknya disitu adalah, saf yang tidak rapat dan lurus seperti hati yang berkhilaf, apabila saf dirapatkan dan diluruskan akan wujud permuafakatan dan keteguhan persaudaraan.


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Recipe mudah minum petang - Bubur Jagung

Lepas lunch terasa nk mkn manis manis pulak..nmpk dlm freezer ada jagung sebekas..dh lama dah agknya tersimpan kat situ
jadi petang ni saya pun merajinkan la diri buat bubur jagung yang senang ni..

sapp sapp suii jerr siap!

   Bahan-bahan yang saya gunakan:

  semangkuk santan
 Gula nira
 daun pandan
 Sagu mata punai
 sedikit air

sediakan bahan -bahan,, pegi ambil daun pandan kt laman rumah tu, hiris hiris gula nira, defrost jagung, santan & cuci sagu..

masukkan segelas air kedalam periuk, tunggu hingga hampir mendidih masukkan santan, gula dan daun pandan
masukkan sagu
apabila sagu dh masak, masukkan jagung
mudah kan?

Hana has go to the cinema

we didn't go to cinema for an ages..and when we've this little girl, we think it's quite difficult to bring her along..
but one day, when we're spending our weekend at in laws house, my BIL decided to bring us and the whole family watching a movie..

so here we goO!

i'm kinda excited every time doing anything with Hana for the first time..

she was sleeping along the way to the cinema..

Hana with her sleepy face!
we were watching SkyFall !

there were 6 adults and 3 kids , so we choose to had one row sitting together, luckily not so many people at that time
i don't think she will be sleeping in the cinema because it's new environment for her, so we just let her enjoy her pop corn! 
she ate popcorn till she cannot eat any more..and trying to climb up to the front seat..
about 30minutes left, i can't control her anymore because she's trying to move around to other places
so i gave her iPad..
luckily, she's OK..! and dont mind with the loud and dark !
she's even can finish her puzzle game by herself! hhehe

i dont think we will bring Hana again to the cinema unless there's a kids movie..

there's no right or wrong when parents bring along their children to the cinema
it's depends on the parents HOW they wanna treat their children, either to let them expose (guided positively) or just let them play in a cage, no harm no deal!
the most IMPORTANT is love, ISLAM and education.

Tip atasi SELSEMA

musim sekarang ni kejap panass..yg panass sgt kejap hujan xberhenti henti
mmg allergic lah org mcm saya ni..mudah kena selsema
selsema kali ni teruk sikit..mkn ubat pun xjalan..

kebetulan beli majalah RAPI kat Pasar Tani hari tu..ada tip mudah atasi selsema.
beli majalah RAPI  keluaran Nov 2012 tu pun pasal cover page dia HANIS ZALIKHA hehe

Ubat utamanya ialah HALIA..
sebelum ni xpernah terfikir pun org dulu-dulu (nenek saya) suka buat air Halia + gula batu
rupa - rupanya..UBAT! mcm org sekarang sume amik supplement ataupun sakit je i amik ubat kt klinik..

saya gunakan 2cm halia muda & madu lebah yang mak beli di Mekah..

Didihkan  segelas air dlm periuk bersama hirisan halia..
apabila mendidih tuangkan kedalam mug
saya campurkan 2sudu kecil madu dan kacau..boleh juga gunakan lemon sebagai bahan perasa tapi madu lg sedap..manis manis sikit

rasa nya pedas2 sikit..boleh la nak telan..
The RESULT: malam tu boleh tido lena..tanpa sok sek sok sek
tapi...esok nya datang balik selsema ku..myb kene minum lagi hari ni

oh yaa..lps minum tu badan panas semacam!
yelah..halia dh panas tmbah madu lagi la panass!
tak pernah pernah saya minum ais tgh mlm..
semalam boleh pulak kacau air orange sunkist tgh2 mlm

jadi lps ni nak kurangkan madu & halia..


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

30 minit bersama ustaz Don - nasihat buat mussoli


hari ni dpt tgk slot 30 minit bersama ustaz Don tajuk nasihat buat mussolin part 3

saya xpasti part 1 & part 2 tentang apa..

apa yang dapat dikongsikan disini dalam slot kali ini ialah...

Sebaik-baiknya pergilah menunaikan solat di masjid sekurang - kurangnya sekali sehari..tidak kiralah waktu solat subuh/zohor/asar/marghrib/isyak

-apabila meninggal kelak..Inshaa Allah rakan-rakan yang sama-sama menunaikan solat di masjid datang membantu 

Ustaz Don banyak mengulas tentang sabda Rasulullah tentang ganjaran pahala berjalan kaki ke masjid..

Antara hadis tersebut ialah dalam riwayat Muslim, daripada Abu Musa r.a., Rasulullah s.a.w.Bersabda yang bermasksud; “Orang yang paling besar pahala solatnya ialah orang yang paling jauh perjalanannya menuju ke masjid.” 

Inshaa Allah..bersambung esok..

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Where to get Muslimah online apparels?

Salam Maal Hijrah to all Muslimin & Muslimat

my sister and I will be launching our new online apparels shop on Facebook soon!

so here's the sneak preview of our collections..

for the time being we sell..

jubah / abaya
4m Fabric 
Hijab / Instant Hijab

variety of Blouse
Price : RM 69 (free postage)

t-shirt (RM49) & blouse (RM69)

Blouse (RM 69)

leave your email address at the comment box and i'll send the Facebook invitation..
see you there!

Kueh Koci and cheesy wedges

My aunty who i call her indok..was veryy talented in cooking..
one of her favourite kuih is kueh koci..

malay dessert is veryy unique..basically kueh koci made from

glutinous rice flour
coconut milk
coconut filling made from coconut and brown sugar

there are a few Malay dessert from these ingredients such as:

badak berendam / buah sepang
putri mandi
buah melaka / onde onde
ang ku kueh / kueh nyonya

tht's all that i can remember..

the ingredients is just same but how they made the dessert is different..

lets took a look how my aunty made kueh koci:

this is what we need; the doh, banana, leaves, coconut fillings and some oil

the doh is basically made from glutinous rice flour + water and a little bit of salt; but here we add some black glutinous rice flour for different taste
you may also add pumpkin or sweet potato or pandan paste or anything suitable for  different flavour

the coconut filling is made from young coconut meat and gula melaka (is made from coconut sap) you can substitute with brown sugar 

my daughter is learning how to wrap the kueh

this is my aunty style; put the doh and filling  onto the leave and just wrap! 
okk..this is difficult for me as beginner...the wrapping thing need technique and i fail doing this hehe
another safe method that you can do is put the doh with filling, make it like a ball  first and then wrap it one by one

see, i can do it!

the nicely done kueh koci!!

ohh..i forgot to ask for recipe..but you can refer it here tiffinbiru my aunty doesn't have recipe because she's usually measure by her liking, like wanna do many or little.. is my home-made cheesy sauce, inspiration from honeykoyuki

my recipe is like this:

5 slice of cheddar cheese
1/2 cube of chicken cube
30ml fresh milk
10ml water + 1 teaspoon flour

 cheesy wedges!! nak bubuh brapa byk pun bolehh..

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Assam Pedas ikan sardin

Pernah makan tak asam pedas ikan sardin? bukan sardin fresh tau..sardin dlm tin tu..i guna cap ayam brand.. this is one of my fav dish.. & sardin tin pun mmg fav. lagi satu dish yg i suka guna sardin tin ni lauk masak lemak cili padi bersama belimbing buluh..besttt!!!

ok, kali ni nak share my version of asam pedas sardine


1 tin sardin ayam brand (lebih kurang 4 ekor ikan)
cili kering yang dikisar (lebih kurang 20tangkai)
0.5cm kunyit hidup (kisar)
0.5cm halia (kisar)
bawang merah - kecil (4 ulas, kisar) 
bawang putih (2ulas, kisar)
air assam jawa (saya guna assam jawa extra adabi) 

minyak masak secukupnya
garam secukup rasa
daun bawang 

bila pakai ikan sardin tin ni senang sikit kerja kan..bukak tin masukkn aje ikan tu heheeh (org lazy peasy mmg suka resepi ni) 

tuangkan minyak masak secukupnya untuk menumis
anggaran minyak seperti nk buat sambal , bukan mcm goreng sayur tau..kene byk sikit utk cili tu garing sedikit
tumiskan bawang yang dikisar..sehingga kekuningan, masukkan cili kisar dan tumis sehingga garing / menjadi sambal
masukkan ikan , biarkan seketika, masukkan air assam jawa, biarkan hinggan mendidih, masukkan tomato & daun bawang
perasakan dengan garam.

easy peasy kannn..ehehe

dimakan bersama nasi putih panas panas & sayur goreng mmg yummeh! pulak ketam yang i beli kat pasar telok gong..
murahh kot 1kg rm14

my grandma request nak makan chilli here it is..
my mum yang xde resipe..hehehe

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